All new licenses includes a one-year maintenance agreement that covers:
- Free updates, including major revisions, e.g.: v10.x to v11.x.
- Highest priority for requested features, or other improvements to the software.
- Highest priority for fixing reported software errors (bugs).
- Free technical support by e-mail.
Beyond the initial free one-year period, you may renew your software maintenance agreement for another year.
When you install updates released more than one year after you purchased your license, you will get a message
telling you that your maintenance agreement has expired.
This means that to use the version you just installed you will have to renew your maintenance agreement.
Please note that you can run any update released within one year from your purchase without renewing the maintenance.
A list of updates and corresponding release dates can be found on the following page:
You will find more information on how to purchase renewal at the following page: